0 Gratis Eurokit ter waarde van 8,55 voor alle kinderen vanaf B jaar en vnlwassenen I I L B U R Alles wat u weten moet over de oor o Heffingskorting aanvragen voor1'december I I Turks tegels \/IMA Somatisch Arabisch N Csóinaiiscir 100 i I I •DONDERDAG 22 NOVEMBER 2001 - PAGINA V3 2001 - PAGINA 12 DE TILBURGSE KOERIER IUSEUM Aarde rk 1 ongeveer reist, hou er dan rekening Griekenland, Ierland, Portugal en Spanje. De bij banken in Nederland, u be- munten met een waarde van 3-18.45 uur .00 uur ARP EN INSTITUUT taalt daar dan wel een wissel koers voor. Tilburg i Filmtheater eater /el 5uur 1.00 uur 00 uur ile 5 uur 0.: 18.45-21.30 uur g mee dat het buitenlandse geld dat u sinds vorig jaar voor heffingskor tingen in aanmerking. De heffingskorting moet ieder jaar voor 1 december aange vraagd worden. Iedereen die er recht op heeft, heeft van de Belastingdienst de formulieren ontvangen. Als u deze voor 1 december ingevuld terug stuurt, ontvangt u ook vol gend jaar weer telkens rond het midden van de maand, uw geld van de Belastingdienst. Kleurrijk Tilburg is een uitgave van Palet, Midden Brabant in opdracht van de gemeente Tilburg en wordt eenmaaal per maand opgenomen in De Tilburgse Koerier nr 122 1 en Thomas RESY L22 tekeningen en an verschillende PJOTR EMOED 12 1 van der Steen ZAAL 16 ah lussen 1ERLUST aan iri 2002 ks-Boset ITRUM >iessenstraat4,Goirie er old winter away f, werken op papier IRIJF PROBAAT er in Margriet Kalkers iNTONREUNEN X)2 Broekhoven Jl Berkel-Enschot er st Pit' J^JI l.iilj^i xlilj ,1.12 A JSJ (LjjXü) ju«oi Xj-AIaII XHuJI Ha «tduljub ja nl-Aja Vill J-uj üIjHxJI Hc nl-Ajj-Vill «l£lüj| I1a jl jS«au .ajaj ylc J■«->%'! jl Jïi <_ül j-ó lij gkü yJc 3* i^l.AirpTll jjLr> 1^.11 jï .„j. .-.I.Aj»<‘t II Xj.ril aII XHuJI Ha jja-ll j$J ■- Jac. 4J ja JS Jaï| HLl jia..i_h -L^lj Jaï Xj_u J£ a ■“il-AiA-k.'ill He Ja Ijl -cHlj-óJI XaI-L JA HIjIaT.uL nl.Aj»%~ill O AA jjS-H XHÜI XnJI JrfiVi.uii ijjA.uji AA.I3 JaS I^Tl.ujl 3 h!jIa~..i^I o ja j4-aJI Vni JS j^-IIja. ««-ijljAJI ja .‘hja'i ^Jc mans-Broers IHIJNING 42 er s timewarp swamp m) maniakaal ings moeras ding IPORTAAL Oirschot the fury uur rurs Attendant s sentimentales Haaienmeer n Sofie itie renveeren iRK er lace like home NDS IUSEUM 16 I djJjü jl Lö JS 6 j^UI JUbïl JSJ «ül^ 8,55 sjgsH ^UaLIjJI 5 jiSi $i hIjHm gju-lj.u 2002 Jjlnl JA JXm| J^i «LaLaü AJJ 39 AJU Jjj’ül JasT.iIJ..! JA£ .6ji£ HaXxI XIaau IaH XajHJI haIï aaJ.Xïjï-l Jjjïl La LuJt, ,-njai AA L n'ijllL La I4JI jjL-ü'i.u hIjI-xaII JLa jl h.*iS ^3 jSjj XljjLa öaa Ha jJLaJI riAuil <ü1 j| jjj^l -jjj^l 3 -JjiJL «LcIaT>^I nLóujaüJI ^4 ?11V> 3 hLI.ua II AA.I3 AXJ .JjJ^L ■‘Ill's XIauÜI jSj X-LjLa ÖAA Ha hL1J jaLaJI 3j3^| jjHja OAXJ I^LJI yj) HÏj 11a ^aTh.u jjlH □IJJI jjlr>j..i3J3ÜI 3 öjJja.2,20 LjjZi3j3ÏI XaaS jj5.ua I...^;IL l,..\jk ijLjjJI L I Ija «LJUauj 1 Ij’iIa H:X-üHI jj£h Xaijjll ÜaaJI LiL-l J JUüjjJI jjjfJj| iHXHi iqjia-SjJ 3 ^jjjl aüL> I4J jjSu-u XjHQJI jJalJI .XISIaa jIJJI oIa juijjjLj XI Ia II öjj-a JaAi.u IHJj^J ^AlajII auLaJI aiIIa. JS^XcJLa XaHJI XIaaJI.JLS. jAc^I Jij£uuXAuLiXlAC jLlcJil jja. xkti ot ll[ liLLd ijHH jkLü nil lj| .XSjLIaJI jIaLJI X A IL-l jui jj£üu idtijJA. ^A ^jlll JjJ^I JjJ XaHaÏI JJaIII jL ja Jjjjl JA.I3 Xulc XjllA^I JJaLII ukJUS .‘1’AaJ JjjJI oIa .X Ia» II jxuu jAj .«kir iaj'u.u L11I3A ,^k dllu^L 2002 Xjuu gjg^l AJc 3 agöJI ./'■Ia ^1 .-iliI.ua II xuJ Xja.uj ölj'll julH 28 aJjaJI -■ .XuHü XIa»! 3j3'1I ^Jc J./iA~.uk (xIjlJL i_il.UAII Haka lij .JjJ^I Jjjji AA.I3 ^ÜA. ÜLaa i^lull ALuA. ^Jc. Xj.1'1 lj^ II ,‘lljül gljj| ‘‘I'Iaj ■dLjli Jij yülü jl Ij| yuuxi .XJjaaJI ukJllü fkXLu «*111 aaj .2002 JA.I3 JiS «dlJI yj[ flAjAC J (jIa^II ^jHua) hÏLaaJI ^üa. Juaaj.u 3j3*^I ^4^- Jjvili-jIaa jui. Lujüü «ijUAil giu-l_l.ll Julk JAJ jJUll) 1995 XnJ jia.uji 31 JiS aLjl j IhJja j^ aaJj Jé XiIr ^4^ X_nliIL Xj.uLu^ll hMa.uIL Ja.ua j (hIjLu X1_u ja jill XjJc Ju-iA'i.uki^.ö-Jja. 8,55 XajXi .ijH XrjAAA oIa -3jj«II 7 3 3 juj J.r-iAj.u 3jjül XJc JaJI <d ja JS 5o1a 3jjïI -3J3^ -^IajIaa yjc ^jüau (XaHJjjJL) jjHIa Jc XJc Jr. JjA^JI ^LSau JLa^I 1143 .^1 «^a j^j JLauj dlliS X lj.nl JjJ^I JJAÏ 01a Ju-U 3 Iaua J1a ÖjuaSJI jA.I1aJI hLSjHj JjJ^I 3jj«II jjia (^a ■-■■■«jloaa 3jj^I Xric. Ijjl«~ jjaLII j 1$ -iak~ .«l'Xuj 3 ■j3~lAJ 3 J1A.UJ1 kuAl JA cllüj AlIjH j£aU JjLaJI I1a .?II$Tu1A II Xl.ul.u j «ïIUjilL ujlaJI *ljuk j^au .öaJja. 25,01 XajXi nljjjjl .XujIaüJI hXjuaJI /an (hemen hemen) etmektedir. Vergi U heeft al kunnen wennen aan de euro doordat op loonstroken en ook bij de sociale uitkerin gen al sinds lange tijd de bedra gen zowel in guldens als in euro's vermeld worden. Ook in de winkels wordt al lange tijd dubbel geprijsd. Vanaf 1 janua ri zal dat zo snel mogelijk tot het verleden horen, dan is er echt alleen nog maar de euro. 28 november uur l.OOuur 30 uur 15-21.30 uur 30 uur 1.00-19.30 uur ■Ie12j. uur 9.30 uur ie12j. .00 uur l.OOuur I6j- uur luur /oorpremiere) 12j. een die recht heeft op de Eurokit ontvangt tussen 3 en 7 december een (Nederlandstalige) folder met Euro-informatie. Daarin zit ook een op naam gestelde bon. Met deze bon kunt u bij verschil lende banken, maar ook groot winkelbedrijven als Hema en Shell, de Eurokit afhalen. Dit zijn echte Euro-munten en u kunt ze dan alvast bekijken en eraan wennen. Deze gratis Eurokit is niet te ver wanen met het Euro-consumen- tenpakketDit is vanaf half de cember te koop en bevat euro's met een totale waarde van ƒ25,01. Het pakket is te koop bij banken en winkelketens. Lacagta la iska dhimo waydiiso ka hor Ida december Laga bilaabo sanadka la soo dhaafay (ugu dhawaan) qof walba oo qaangaar ah oo ku nool Holland in uu xaq u yeelanayo lacagta la iska dhimo ee Canshuuraha. Lacagtani waa lacag la iska dhimo ee Canshuuraha. Canshuurta ayaa lagaa dhimayaa ama lacag ayaa lagu soo celinayaa. Tani waxay u eg tahay wax aan cadeyn, maxaa yeelay dadka lacagta ka qaata dowlada hoose, ama naagaha aanan shaqeyn way soo galayaan dadka lacagta laga dhimayo. Lacagta lagaa dhimayo waa in aad waydiisataa sanad walba ka hor Ida december. Qof walba oo xaq u leh waxaa uu ka helayaa warqad xafiiska Canshuuraha. Haddii aad ka hor Ida december soo buuxisid soona dirtid, waxaad ka heleysaa sanadka danbe waqtigaas oo kale lacag xafiiska Canshuuraha. you will all yrmr r jonnevlecht, >ch centrum n lersel start in jan us voor mensen om iven te ontwikkelen, tie, aura zien/lezen, aan bod komen. verkrijgen bij het m 130 in Tilburg, ver precies 39 dagen gaat u met de euro be talen. Want vanaf 1 ja nuari 2002 is de euro een feit. De overheid heeft de afgelopen tijd een massale voorlichtingscam pagne gevoerd, maar er zijn toch nog enkele feiten die we hier voor u op een rijtje zetten. organisatie °öins orgd over Fam. raar Bert Hellingen mgel, Molenbocht- iloop 19.00, start 00 u. Met deze onze familie en te maken. Dit geeft i wordt van harte el te nemen. Er zal worden, er is gele- stellen. Voorkennis ^anisatie: Anne Lies hael Molenaar. Fol- AI2, (/2S,) per naast de Euro het officiële be- (gemeentelijke basisadministra- taalmiddel. Als u in guldens be- tie) een Eurokit. Dit is een setje taalt, krijgt u uw wisselgeld in De munten zijn in alle deelne- euro's. U kunt uw Nederlandse ƒ8,55. mende landen geldigAls u veel geld tot 1 april 2002 kosteloos op Hoe krijgt u deze Eurokit? Ieder- niet meer om te wisselen. biljetten zijn in al deze landen taalt daar dan wel een wissel- Om aan de euro te wennen ont- gelijk. De munten krijgen een koers voor. vangt iedereen die in Nederland Europese en een nationale zij- woont en geboren is voor 31 de- de. Op de nationale kant van Nederlands geld 6 furokit cember 1995 (ouder is dan zes Nederland komt een afbeelding De gulden blijft tot 28 januari jaar) en opgenomen is in de GBA van koningin Beatrix te staan. - - - - Iedere munt kent dus straks twaalf verschijningsvormen. Een euro is straks ongeveer reist, hou er dan rekening mee uw eigen bankrekening storten. ƒ2,20 waard en de Euro wordt dat het buitenlandse geld dat u Daarna betaalt u provisiekosten. ingevoerd in de volgende lan- van de Eurolanden bezit, vanaf Zorg er dus voor dat u al uw geld, den: Duitsland, Italië, Neder- januari niet meer geldig is in dat ook uit spaarpotjes en dergelij- land, België, Griekenland, buitenland. U kunt buitenlands ke, voor 1 april naar de bank Frankrijk, Luxemburg, Finland, geld tot 1 april 2002 omwisselen brengt, want straks is het bijna MM inds vorig jaar kan (bij- na) iedere volwassen in- ■V woner van Nederland in W aanmerking komen voor heffingskortingen bij de belas ting. Een heffingskorting is een korting op uw belasting, u be taalt dus minder belasting of krijgt geld terug. Dat kan verwar rend lijken, want ook mensen met een uitkering, of vrouwen die naast de huishouding geen betaald werk hebben, komen Vergi indirimini 1 Arahk tarihinden önce isteyiniz Ge?en seneden itibaren Hollanda’da ya§ay< her yeti$kin vergi indirimi hakki elde indirimi ödeyeceginiz vergiden yapilan idirim olup daha az vergi ödemenizi veya geriye para ahnanizi saglar. Bu biraz karma?ik olarak gözükebilir zira ödenek alanlar veya ev ijleriden ba§ka ücretli hifbir i§te <?ah?mayan kadmlar dahi ge§en seneden itibaren vergi indiriminden faydalanmaktadirlar. Vergi indirimi istemi her sene 1 Aralik tarihinden önce yapihnahdir. Bu indirime hak sahibi olan herkes vergi dairesinden bir form alacatir. Bu forrnu doldurup 1 Aralik tarhinden önce geri göndermeniz halinde gelecek yil ay ortasinda sürekli olarak vergi dairesinden paramzi alacaksmiz. Everything you need to know about the Euro Free Euro Kit, worth ƒ8,55, for all children aged 6 and over and for adults In exactly 39 days you’ll be paying in Euros. Because from January 1st 2002, the Euro will be a fait accompli. The government has already conducted a large-scale information campaign, but nevertheless we want to go through some points once again.You have been able to get used to the Euro because on pay slips and also when you receive a social security benefit the amounts have for a long time been given in guilders as well as in Euros. And in shops goods have been double-priced. After January 1st this will very quickly become a thing of the past, it will just be the Euro. One Euro will be worth about 2,20 and as a means of payment it is introduced in the following countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, France, Luxemburg, Finland, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. In all these countries the notes will be the same. The coins are to have a European atid a national side. The Dutch national side will carry a portrait of Queen Beatrix. So each coin will have twelve different appearances. The coins are valid in all the participating countries. If you do a lot of travelling, please take into account that as from January the foreign currency you have in your possession will no longer be valid in the Euro countries. Until April 1st 2002, the Dutch banks will change your foreign currency for you, but note that you will be charged an exchange rate. Dutch money and the Euro Kit Until January 28th 2002, the guilder is the official means of payment next to the Euro. When you pay in guilders you’ll receive your change in Euros. Until April 1st 2002, you can pay your Dutch money into your own bank account free of charge. After that you will be charged a commission. So take care to bring all your money, also from piggy banks, nest eggs or whatever, to the bank before April 1st, because after that it will be nearly impossible to have it changed. In order to get used to the Euro, everybody who is living in the Netherlands, who was bom before December 31st 1995 (i.e. older than six) and is entered in the municipal personal records database, will receive a Euro Kit. This is a set of coins worth 8,55. How do you get this Euro Kit? Between December 3rd and December 7th, everybody who is entitled to the Euro Kit will receive a brochure (in Dutch) with Euro information. A registered voucher is included in the brochure. With this voucher you may collect the Euro Kit at different banks, chain stores and at Shell. The Euro coins in the Kit are real, so that you can have a look at them and get used to them. The free Euro Kit should not be confused with the Euro Consumer Set. This is for sale from mid-December onwards and it contains Euros to the amount of 25,01. The set is for sale at banks and chain stores. Apply for a levy discount before December 1st Since last year (almost) every adult resident of the Netherlands qualifies for levy discounts from the Inland Revenue. A levy discount is a tax reduction, so you either pay less tax or you get a rebate. This may seem confusing, because people receiving benefit and housewives without a paid job also qualify for levy discounts since last year. The levy discounts should be applied for before December 1st every year. Everybody who is entitled to this has received a form from the Inland Revenue. When you send in the completed form before December 1st, you will receive a rebate from the Inland Revenue next year towards the middle of the month as well. Euro hakkinda bilmeniz gerekenler 6 ya^mdan biiyiik biitiin cocuklar ve yeti^kinier i?in 8,55 gulden degerinde ucretsiz Eurokit Tam 39 gün sonra bütün ödemeler Euro ile yapilacaktir. Zira Ocak 2002 tarihi itiban ile Euro fiilen yajamimiza girmi olacaktir. Hükümet yakm ge?mi§e kadar büyük kapsamh b bilgilendirme kampanyasi yürüttü ama biz yine de ba bilgileri burada bir kez daha sizler iqin bir araya getirelin dedik. Maa? bordrolarmda ve sosyal ödeneklerde miktark uzun bir süredir hem gulden hem de euro cinsindei belirtildiginden Euro’ya alijabilmijsinizdir. Diikkanlarda d uzun süredir ?ifte fiyatlandirma yapilmaktadir. 1 Ocak 200 tarihinden itibaren bu da mümkün oldugu en kisa süre ifind tarihe kari?acaktir ve sadece Euro kullanilacaktir. Bir Eur yakrnda yakla$ik olarak 2,20 gulden üzeriden i?lem görecek v ju ülkelerde tedavüle girecektir: Almanya, italya, Holland; Belqika, Avusturya, Yunanistan, Fransa, Lüksenburj Finlandiya, Irlanda, Portekiz ve tspanya. Banknotlar bütün b ülkelerde aym olacaktir. Madeni paralann bir Avrupa bir d ulusal tarafi olacaktir. Hollanda’ya ait olanlann ulusi tarafmda krali?e Beatrix’in kabartmasi bulunacaktir. Yai yakrnda her madeni paranin oniki ayn fejidi tedavu girecektir. Madeni paralar bütün ijtirakfi ülkelerde geger olacaktir. Eger sikga seyahat ediyorsamz üzerinizde buluna Euro ülkelerine ait paralann Ocak ayindan itibaren yu dijinda gegerliligini yitirecegini göz önünde tutunuz. Yaban ülkelere ait paralan 1 Nisan 2002 tarihine kadar Hollanda’dal bankalarda bozdurabilirsiniz. Bunun iqin de döviz kur ödemesi yaparsiniz. Hollands parasi Eurokit 28 Ocak tarihine kadar Euro resmi para birimi olara tedavülde kalacaktir. Euro ile ödeme yaptigmiz zaman param üstünü Euro olarak alacaksmiz. Hollanda paramzi 1 Nisa 2002 tarihine kadar ücretsiz olarak kendi hesabiniz yatirabilirsiniz. Bu tarihten sonra komisyon ödemeni gerekecektir. Sözün kisasi kumbarada jurda burda duran bütt paramzi 1 Nisan tarihine kadar bankaya götürünüz zira t tarihten sonra bu paralar hemen hemen gegersiz olacakti Euro’ya alijtirmak amaci ile Hollanda’da yajayan ve Aralik 1995 tarihinden önce dogmuj olup (yani alti yajmdt büyük olanlar) GBA’da (belediye nufiis dairesinde) kayu olan herkese bir adet Eurokit verilecektir. Eurokit 8.55 guide degerindeki bir madeni para setidir. Bu Eurokit’i nas alacaksmiz. Eurokit almaya hak sahibi herkes 3 ve 7 Aral tarihleri arasinda (Hollandaca yazili) bir Euro-enfarmasyc brojürü alacaktir. Brojürün iginde isme yazili bir kupc olacaktir. Bu kupon ile gejitli bankalardan ve de aym zamani Hema, Shell gibi büyük ijletmelerden Eurokil alabileceksiniz. Bunlar gergek madeni Eurolar olacaktir i böylece bunlan görerek ahjmamz saglanacaktir. Bu ücrets Eurokit’i Euro tüketici paketi ile kanjtirmayiniz. Euro tüketi paketi Aralik ayinin ortalanndan itibaren arz edilecek i toplam degeri 25,01 gulden olan Eurolar igerecektir. Bu pak bankalar ve magazalar zincirlerinde arza sunulacaktir. Everything you need to know about the Euro Free Euro Kit, worth ƒ8,55, for all children aged 6 and over and for adults In exactly 39 days you’ll be paying in Euros. Because from January 1st 2002, the Euro will be a fait accompli. The government has already conducted a large-scale information campaign, but nevertheless we want to go through some points once again.You have been able to get used to the Euro because on pay slips and also when you receive a social security benefit the amounts have for a long time been given in guilders as well as in Euros. And in shops goods have been double-priced. After January 1st this will very quickly become a thing of the past, it will just be the Euro. One Euro will be worth about 2,20 and as a means of payment it is introduced in the following countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, France, Luxemburg, Finland, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. In all these countries the notes will be the same. The coins are to have a European and a national side. The Dutch national side will carry a portrait of Queen Beatrix. So each coin will have twelve different appearances. The coins are valid in all the participating countries. If you do a lot of travelling, please take into account that as from January the foreign currency you have in your possession will no longer be valid in the Euro countries. Until April 1st 2002, the Dutch banks will change your foreign currency for you, but note that you will be charged an exchange rate. Dutch money and the Euro Kit Until January 28th 2002, the guilder is the official means of payment next to the Euro. When you pay in guilders you’ll receive your change in Euros. Until April 1st 2002, you can pay your Dutch money into your own bank account free of charge. After that you will be charged a commission. So take care to bring all your money, also from piggy banks, nest eggs or whatever, to the bank before April 1st, because after that it will be nearly impossible to have it changed. In order to get used to the Euro, everybody who is living in the Netherlands, who was bom before December 31st 1995 (i.e. older than six) and is entered in the municipal personal records database, will receive a Euro Kit. This is a set of coins worth 8,55. How do you get this Euro Kit? Between December 3rd and December 7th, everybody who is entitled to the Euro Kit will receive a brochure (in Dutch) with Euro information. A registered voucher is included in the brochure. With this voucher you may collect the Euro Kit at different banks, chain stores and at Shell. The Euro coins in the Kit are real, so that you can have a look at them and get used to them. The free Euro Kit should not be confused with the Euro Consumer Set. This is for sale from mid-December onwards and it contains Euros to the amount of 25,01. The set is for sale at banks and chain stores. ^5

Kranten Regionaal Archief Tilburg

Weekblad De Tilburgse Koerier | 2001 | | pagina 13